Disable OrCAD16.5 start page, 禁用OrCAD16.5 start page
Invoke Capture.
1. Go to View > Toolbar and check the "Command Window" (If it is not checked)
2. Type the following command in Command Window and press ENTER
SetOptionBool EnableStartPage 0
3. Close the Capture and reopen. Now, the startup page would not come
Invoke Capture.
Accessories-->Candence Tcl/Tk Utilites--> Utilites
Tcl/Tk Applications Dashboard-->Extend Preference
Extend Preference(Settings)-->
unclick []Load web page on startup
如果出現下列訊息,表示要安裝TCL/TK 8.4
This feature requires Tcl/Tk installation. We recommend ActiveState ActiveTcl version 8.4.
For more information refer to the document OrCAD_Capture_TclTk_Extensions.pdf in
<installation dir>\tools\capture\tclscripts